Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Looking at your Meat

In The Omnivore's Dilemma, Pollan looks at eating meat from several different perspectives ranging from industrial, moral, and organic. Pollan has opened my eyes to these perspectives, particularly the moral side. I say moral because reading about the conditions in which most of these animals are slaughtered makes me sick. Thinking about how many turkeys have been killed in the past week for Thanksgiving; probably in the hundreds of millions, makes me wonder if any of them have been living in sanitary conditions and if they've been killed "correctly" instead of inhumanley as seen in parts of the video "Meet Your Meat" by Alec Baldwin. Lately, I've been contemplating on whether or not to switch to being a strict vegetarian and I blame it on people such as Pollan and Baldwin. It's hard to sit there eating a steak and not think about how the cow was killed. Although Organic is supposed to answer questions like such as that and reassure you that what you're eating was happilly running around in a free range farm, Pollan makes me think otherwise. According to Pollan, most of the "organic" meat you find is a lie because of less strict government regulations. For this reason, I've chosen to go with the moral perspective because it's the only one I can trust. For that same exact reason, It's hard to not be a vegetarian without thinking about whether or not you're doing the right thing by eating an animal that not only should have the right to live like you do, but should atleast be killed without pain.

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